Hundred Dice

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What’s this?

Hundred Dice is a physics-based dice roller made to be fun to use while still providing all the information you could need. That means less manual calculation and more role-play, combat, pizza eating, or just toying with virtual (or physical) dice for you.

It is currently in development here:

Everything is open source and contributions are welcome. If you have a feature in mind, you can propose it there, or open a pull request directly. Alternatively, you can message me on Buy Me a Coffee.

The web version is pretty solid already, but still quite limited by the browser. It supports around 150 to 200 fully simulated dice at once. If there is enough interest in it, I will try to publish a build version for Windows, Mac, and Linux on Steam and That one will, in my experience, support around 700 to 800 dice at once.

As you can see below, I have many more features planned. The final goal is to make the most fun, easy-to-use, and satisfying dice roller.

If you feel like supporting me, you can buy me a coffee :)

Development Timeline

Project Start - Satisfying Physics Dice

Mayor Interface and Interaction Overhaul

Dice Syntax Support

Dice Presets and Modifiers

Conditional rolling and re-rolling

Warhammer (40k)/DnD specific conditions

More dice models and dynamic sounds

Shared Tables - Online Sessions

first screenshot of the dice roller second screenshot of the dice roller third screenshot of the dice roller fourth screenshot of the dice roller